Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

Station system up for 5460305 seconds
Station system free memory 22472 kB
This website uses WeeWX (4.10.2) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 05/01/2024 16:40.

Notice: php_uname() has been disabled for security reasons in /membri/sassarimeteo/check-fetch-times.php on line 1796
Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
20/04/2024 06:13
WeeWX realtime Current 0:00:48 20/04/2024 06:12
WeeWX FTP NOT Current 1015:20:40 > 0:05:15
08/03/2024 21:52
WeeWX weather data NOT Current 1015:23:20 > 0:05:15
08/03/2024 21:50
WeeWX NOAA report Current 0:00:44 20/04/2024 06:12
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
check-fetch-times.php V1.52 - 2023-04-03 Need update to V1.56 - 2024-03-16
get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.21 - 2023-01-03 Need update to V1.22 - 2024-03-08
include-metar-display.php V1.07 - 2022-12-27 Need update to V1.08 - 2024-03-08
meteoalarm-codenames.json V1.00 - 2022-05-19 Need update to V1.04 - 2023-10-21
meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php V1.00 - 2022-05-14 Need update to V1.02 - 2023-10-19
OWM-forecast-lang.php V1.07 - 2023-02-07 Need update to V1.08 - 2023-08-07
quake-UK.php V1.07 - 2011-08-23 Need update to V1.08 - 2023-07-15
VC-forecast-lang.php V1.07 - 2023-02-07 Need update to V1.08 - 2023-08-06
wxforecast.php V1.08 - 2023-04-03 Need update to V1.09 - 2023-05-18
Use this link for details.